Sunday 19 December 2010

Body Myths uncovered................

1. I'm slim so I don't need to exercise

FALSE! You might think you don't need to do regular exercise if you're slim but you still need to tone your muscles.  Slim people often have high body fat ratios ('skinny fat') and if this goes unchecked, they will continue to eat the same but gradually put on weight - unlike a regular exerciser who strengthens their muscles and is aware of any changes which occur to her body.

Also, women lose on average, ½ a pound of muscle per year after the age of 30.  This is BAD news as it means you burn less calories, leading to an increase in body fat percentage. Even if you weigh the same, your clothes may begin to get tighter and your body shape will change and become less toned and firm. BUT regular Lotte sessions prevent this by allowing you to retain and further strengthen your muscles ………forever!

2. Lotte Berk classes won't help me lose weight

FALSE! Each Lotte class burns approximately 350 calories an hour (and more if you have a lot of weight to lose).

3. I still need to do my aerobics class............

TRUE AND FALSE! The body needs aerobic exercise but never fear! Lotte is here!
Lotte is aerobic - aerobic exercise’ simply means exercise which keeps us moving for continuous amounts of time.  We don’t ‘jump around’ aimlessly like most ‘aerobics’ classes, however Lotte classes keep your cardiovascular fitness in check as well as being the best and most effective method for sculpting your body.

 4. All women can get a flat stomach

TRUE!  A common problem area for women.  Lotte students know that a typical class involves a lot of stomach work and that the stomach muscles are working even during exercises that look like they are targeting other muscle groups (such as ‘Escape’ and ‘No escape’).

 5. It will take me months to get a good body

FALSE! The Lotte Berk Technique shapes the muscles which even gives existing fat more defined contours and a better silhouette. So, even if you are not the size you want to be yet, by starting Lotte classes now, you will gain a shapelier body, increase your confidence and this, in turn, will encourage you to keep coming to class and watching what you eat!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Am one of ur students ;) I hope u knew me
    Finally I got an account & am happy 2 be able 2 see ur blog good job
